Friday, December 16, 2011

saya rindu awak .

mata masih terkebil-kebil tak percaya. is it really happen to me? it was like all of sudden. btw, im soo happy right now. mula-mula macam malas nak letak hope yang tinggi, takut tiba-tiba tak jadi , diri sendiri makan hati. everyday was like thursday. im waiting for it. tapi takpaa tabahkan hati juga. alhamdulillah, seriously he came to see me. i was like .... ? i really cant express how do i feel when i know that he is really coming. you know, he really sanggup to drive all over here. and he had to drive back to his college at night.  

i was like soo miss him so much. serious im swear. time jumpa dia, belum tengok lagi muka, i was fall in love with his perfumes. it was like so addicted . rasa macam nak peluk and said " awak tau betapa rindunya saya kat awak ". but i was like, nevermind. and there we go. we just had a movie together . actually the 1st movie we've been watched together since 3 years of dates. 

well, agak terkilan bila ada satu soalan dia refuse nak jawab. tapi takpaa. i wont force you.  bak kata Daniel, " dia yang menyeksa perasaan dia sendiri "  and " dia " in this statement just anggap its me. a good point there. i wish, i can tell you that " i miss you so much , sayang. " and im thinking of regreting what i've done to him. i just wish that i can have you back. 

picture was taken during Eid '10. so this is it. Meor Mohd Syazreen  (: